1 Civil Engineer, Federal University of Santa Maria, Postgraduate Program in Civil Engineering, carloskfelix@gmail.com

2 Doctor on Civil Engineer, Federal University of Santa Maria, Structural and building construction department, gihad@ufsm.br

3 Doctor on Civil Engineer, Federal University of Santa Maria, Structural and building construction department, edu_rizzatti@yahoo.com.br

4 Civil Engineer, Federal University of Santa Maria, Postgraduate Program in Civil Engineering, portellarafael@hotmail.com

5 Civil Engineer Undergraduate Student, Federal University of Santa Maria, Course of Civil Engineering, dudurizzatti@yahoo.com.br


This paper presents numerical results of ceramic masonry structures under compression. Four different geometries of blocks were studied. Block A had two rectangular hollows. Blocks B and C had a format with rounded hollows and different net areas. Block D had two rectangular hollows and a double central web. In the study was included the blocks, prisms and structural walls joined by bedding mortar, in order to verify the stress distribution in blocks and mortar. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the distribution of compressive stresses along the length and the width of the block were uniform, however, tensile stresses along the length were distinct for the different geometries, and where initially it was found that block D geometry was the one that showed more uniform tension distribution, without peaks of stress concentration. Then, block D was the most efficient for use in masonry structure.


Keywords: Ceramic Block; Structural Masonry; Geometry.