Categories: Proceedings 12: 9IMC, Proceedings of Conferences
GIARDINA, GIORGIA1; DEJONG, MATTHEW2; MAIR, ROBERT3 1) Research Associate, University of Cambridge, Department of Engineering, 2) Lecturer, University of Cambridge, Department of Engineering, 3) Professor, University of...
Categories: Proceedings 12: 9IMC, Proceedings of Conferences
PINTO, RAFAEL1; PADRÃO, JOSÉ2; 1) Master in Construction and Rehabilitation Engineering, Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, 2) Adjunct Professor, DEC-Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, “Tabique” walls, a technique of...
Categories: Proceedings 12: 9IMC, Proceedings of Conferences
JAN KUBICA1; IWONA GALMAN2 1) Full Professor, Silesian University of Technology, Department of Structural Engineering, The degradation process of masonry is not only observed in cases of cyclic (or dynamic) loads acting in the horizontal...
Categories: Proceedings 12: 9IMC, Proceedings of Conferences
COCCIA SIMONA; DI CARLO FABIO1; IANNIRUBERTO UGO; RINALDI ZILA 1) Fabio Di Carlo, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Department of Civil Engineering, Masonry arch systems and vaulted structures constitute a structural typology widely spread...
Categories: Proceedings 12: 9IMC, Proceedings of Conferences
ALMEIDA, CELESTE1; GUEDES, JOÃO PAULO2; ARÊDE, ANTÓNIO3; COSTA, ANÍBAL4 1) Researcher, FEUP, Department of Civil Engineering , 2) Assistant Professor, FEUP, Department of Civil Engineering, 3) Associate Professor, FEUP,...
Categories: Proceedings 12: 9IMC, Proceedings of Conferences
ROUXINOL, GILBERTO1; MORAIS, MARIA2 1) Assistant Professor, INESC Coimbra & Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, 2) Master in Construction and Rehabilitation Engineering, A numerical analysis of masonry arch bridge...
Categories: Proceedings 12: 9IMC, Proceedings of Conferences
ZAVALIS, R.1; JONAITIS, B.2; LOURENÇO, P.B. 3 1) PhD, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Department of Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Structures, Lithuania, 2) PhD, Associate Professor, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Department...
Categories: Proceedings 12: 9IMC, Proceedings of Conferences
OETOMO J.J.1, VINCENS E.2, DEDECKER F.3, MOREL J.-C.4 1 PhD Student, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Laboratoire de Tribologie et Dynamique des Systèmes, 2 Dr, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Laboratoire de Tribologie et Dynamique des Systèmes,...
Categories: Proceedings 12: 9IMC, Proceedings of Conferences
MARIUS, WEBER1; HARTWIG, STEMPFLE2 1) MSc, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Lucerne, 2) Dr. Prof., University of Applied Sciences and Arts Lucerne, In the present article the classical compression field model,...
Categories: Proceedings 12: 9IMC, Proceedings of Conferences
AHMAD, SYED1; SWIFT, GARETH2; LEVINGSHAN, AUGUSTHUS NELSON3; 1) Mr, University of Salford, School of Computing, Science and Engineering, 2) Dr, University of Salford, School of Computing, Science and Engineering,...
Categories: Proceedings 12: 9IMC, Proceedings of Conferences
AUGUSTHUS-NELSON, LEVINGSHAN1; SWIFT, GARETH2 1) Dr, University of Salford, School of Computing, Science and Engineering, 2) Dr, University of Salford, School of Computing, Science and Engineering, In order to...
Categories: Proceedings 12: 9IMC, Proceedings of Conferences
DROUGKAS, ANASTASIOS1; PELÀ, LUCA2; ROCA, PERE3 1 PhD candidate, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Departament d’Enginyeria de la Construcció, 2 Assistant Professor, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Departament d’Enginyeria de la...
Categories: Proceedings 12: 9IMC, Proceedings of Conferences
ROSSI, MICHELA1; CALDERINI, CHIARA2; LAGOMARSINO, SERGIO3; MILANI, GABRIELE4; 1) PhD student, University of Genoa, DICCA, 2) Assistant Professor, University of Genoa, DICCA, 3) Full Professor, University of...
Categories: Proceedings 12: 9IMC, Proceedings of Conferences
JÄGER, WOLFRAM1; REICHEL, STEPHAN2 1) Prof. Dr.-Ing., Technische Universität Dresden, Faculty of Architecture, Chair of Structural Design, 2) Dipl.-Ing., Technische Universität Dresden, Faculty of Architecture, Chair of...
Categories: Proceedings 12: 9IMC, Proceedings of Conferences
MAKRIS, NICOS1; ALEXAKIS, HARIS2 1) Professor of Structural Engineering and Applied Mechanics, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Patras, GR-26500 Greece. E-mail: 2) Postdoctoral researcher, Department of Civil Engineering, University of...
Categories: Proceedings 12: 9IMC, Proceedings of Conferences
KUBICA, JAN 1 1) Full Professor, Silesian University of Technology, Department of Structural Engineering, Experimental determination of mechanical properties of masonry should be based on set of standards (e.g. European standards) and other...