Categories: Proceedings 12: 9IMC, Proceedings of Conferences
KISIN, ALEKSANDAR1; FELDMAN, LISA R.2; 1) M.Sc. Student, University of Saskatchewan, Department of Civil & Geological Engineering, 2) Associate Professor, University of Saskatchewan, Department of Civil & Geological Engineering,...
Categories: Proceedings 12: 9IMC, Proceedings of Conferences
JELENA MILOSEVIC 1; MÃRIO LOPES 2; RITA BENTO3; ANTÓNIO SOUSA GAGO4 1) Researcher, ICIST, IST, University of Lisbon, E-mail: 2) Assistant Professor, ICIST, IST, University of Lisbon, E-mail: 3) Associate Professor,...
Categories: Proceedings 12: 9IMC, Proceedings of Conferences
GRIMOLDI, ALBERTO1; RICCARDI, MARIA PIA2; CANTU’, MICHELA3; COFANI, MARCO4; LANDI, ANGELO5; TARANTINO, SERENA CHIARA6 1) Professor, Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Architettura e Studi Urbani, 2) Professor, Università degli Studi...
Categories: Proceedings 12: 9IMC, Proceedings of Conferences
WOSICK, ERIN1; GEBREMARIAM, TSEGAYE2; WELDON, BRAD3; BANDINI, PAOLA4; AL-AQTASH, UMAIMA5 1 Undergraduate Research Assistant, New Mexico State University, Department of Civil Engineering, 2 Graduate Research Assistant, New Mexico State University,...
Categories: Proceedings 12: 9IMC, Proceedings of Conferences
PEREIRA, JOÃO1; CAMPOS, JOSÉ2; LOURENÇO, PAULO B.3 1) PhD Student, ISISE, Department of Civil Engineering, 2) Professor, University of Coimbra, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 3) Full Professor, ISISE,...
Categories: Proceedings 12: 9IMC, Proceedings of Conferences
COSTIGAN A1.; PAVIA S2. 1) Dr. A. Costigan, Dept of Civil Engineering, Trinity College, Dublin 2, 2) A Prof. S. PavÃa, Dept of Civil Engineering, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Water content affects mortar and masonry properties...
Categories: Proceedings 12: 9IMC, Proceedings of Conferences
MANNING, ELIZABETH1; RAMOS, LUIS F.2; FERNANDES, FRANCISCO M.3 1) PhD candidate, ISISE, University of Minho, Civil Engineering Department, 2) Assistant Professor – PhD, University of Minho, Civil Engineering Department, 3)...
Categories: Proceedings 12: 9IMC, Proceedings of Conferences
CAVALAGLI, NICOLA1; CLUNI, FEDERICO2; GUSELLA, VITTORIO3 1) Assistant professor, University of Perugia, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2) Assistant professor, University of Perugia, Department of Civil and Environmental...
Categories: Proceedings 12: 9IMC, Proceedings of Conferences
SASSONI, ENRICO1; MAZZOTTI, CLAUDIO2 1) Dr. Enrico Sassoni, University of Bologna, Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering (DICAM), 2) Prof. Claudio Mazzotti, University of Bologna, Department of Civil, Chemical,...
Categories: Proceedings 12: 9IMC, Proceedings of Conferences
PEREIRA-DE-OLIVEIRA, LUIZ1 1) Associate professor, University of Beira Interior, Centre of Materials and Building Technologies C-MADE, The questions of masonry grout infill workability are a problem that needs to be solved, when narrow dimension...
Categories: Proceedings 12: 9IMC, Proceedings of Conferences
WANG, ZHIYU1; TOTOEV, YURI2; LIN, KUN3 1) PhD Candidate, The University of Newcastle, Centre for Infrastructure Performance and Reliability, 2) Dr, The University of Newcastle, Centre for Infrastructure Performance and Reliability,...
Categories: Proceedings 12: 9IMC, Proceedings of Conferences
COSTA, ANÃBAL1, ARÊDE, ANTÓNIO2, COSTA, ALEXANDRE A.3, FERREIRA, TIAGO M.4, GOMES, ANA5, VARUM, HUMBERTO6 1 Full Professor, University of Aveiro, Department of Civil Engineering, 2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto,...
Categories: Proceedings 12: 9IMC, Proceedings of Conferences
ID1484: Static behaviour of earth block masonry: experimental testing and finite element modelling MICCOLI, LORENZO1; GAROFANO, ANGELO2; FONTANA, PATRICK3; MÃœLLER, URS4 1) PhD, BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Div. 7.1 – Building...
Categories: Proceedings 12: 9IMC, Proceedings of Conferences
CHISARI, CORRADO 1; MACORINI, LORENZO 2; AMADIO, CLAUDIO 3; IZZUDDIN, BASSAM A. 4 1) PhD candidate, University of Trieste, Italy, Department of Engineering and Architecture, 2) Lecturer, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,...
Categories: Proceedings 12: 9IMC, Proceedings of Conferences
VICENTE, ROMEU1; VARUM, HUMBERTO2; FIGUEIREDO, ANTÓNIO3; FERREIRA, TIAGO M.4, MENDES DA SILVA, J.A.R. 1) Assistant Professor, University of Aveiro, Department of Civil Engineering, 2) Associate Professor, University of Aveiro, Department of Civil...
Categories: Proceedings 12: 9IMC, Proceedings of Conferences
LIMA, MARCO1; SANJURJO-SÃNCHEZ, JORGE2; ALVES, CARLOS3 1) Centro de Investigação Geológica, Ordenamento e Valorização de Recursos (PEst-OE/CTE/UI0697/2011 of the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal), University of Minho, Portugal,...
Categories: Proceedings 12: 9IMC, Proceedings of Conferences
PASCHOALIN FILHO, JOÃO ALEXANDRE1; GUERNER DIAS, ANTÒNIO JOSE2; STOROPOLI, JOÃO HENRIQUE3 1) Dr, Universidade Nove de Julho, Master Degree Program on Environmental Management and Sustainability, 2) Dr, Universidade do Porto, Faculdade de...