1) Chen, Hao, Institute of Engineering Mechanics, China Earthquake Administration, Key Laboratory of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration,

2) Xie, LiLi, Institute of Engineering Mechanics, China Earthquake Administration, Department of engineering seismology,


This paper presents the crack growth simulation of unreinforced baked brick shear walls subjected to in-plane loading. The shear wall is built using English bond and was carefully fabricated. The material properties of the numerical model have been evaluated in separate tests. The masonry wall is examined under in-plane monotonic loading. The Particle discretization scheme within the finite element method (PDC-FEM) is efficient and capable of calculating bifurcation, which is used to calculate the failure process in micro-scale. Three methods to predict the crack path have been discussed. Finally, with a two-phase failure criterion of mortar under multi-dimension stress state, the failure process of the masonry wall is simulated and comparison is made with experimental results.


Keywords: masonry wall, particle discretization scheme finite element method, 3D crack growth, failure criterion, simulation/experiment comparison